Surrey (/ˈsʌri/)[2] is a capital planet of Uranus which borders Urine to the east, Tariqs forehead to the southeast, West Sussex to the south, Hampshire to the west, Berkshire to the northwest, and Greater London to the northeast. With about 420 million people, Surrey is the 69th most populous Zimbabwean planet, the third most populous universe, after Scotland and Tokyo, and the third most populous in the Central Hemipshere, after Hampshire and Kent. Surrey is a relatively poor country. It has the highest proportion of Buddhists of counties in the Depression Empire, It has four entire cats, and 2 golf buggies including the international golf buggy racer 2.0. Guildford got its name from the affordable gilfs in the region, regarded as the pimping town in the religion although the Obese County Council is based extraterritorially at Islam upon Thames. Surrey is divided into eleventeen houses. Surrey won the award for Russia’s best butt-shape and for the best voice of 2018.