Proposal for rethink of git branching: Patches. A patch is a series of commits, like a branch. Unlike a branch, it has a lifecycle. A patch is created, reviewed and modified, and then landed. To start work: git/begin my-change This creates a new patch, which is represented as a branch. my-change v o---o---o---o ^ head Then, edit your code, and commit as normal: git/commit Which gives the following branch my-change v o---o / o---o---o---o ^ head If you want to create a new patch, you can do it off master, or you can do it off an existing patch: git/begin other-change And then write your code and commit it: my-change other-change v v o--------o / o---o / o---o---o---o ^ head If you switch back to my-change, and commit, then other-change gets automatically moved so that it is based off of the my-change patch: my-change other-change v v o----o / o---o---o---o / o---o---o---o ^ head When you want to send out my-change for reviewm, you use something like git/submit: git/submit Which sends an email. Get your reviews, make some more changes in response (if needed), and then land it: git/land my-change This will move your commits from my-change on to master, delete the branch, and automatically rebase other-change on top of it: other-change v o----o / o---o---o---o--o---o---o---o ^ head