const std = @import("std"); const Line = struct { chars: usize, words: usize, }; const Output = struct { lines: usize, words: usize, chars: usize, }; fn combine(a: Output, b: Line) Output { return Output{ .lines = a.lines + 1, .words = a.words + b.words, .chars = a.chars + b.chars, }; } fn toLine(l: []u8) Line { var ti: std.mem.TokenIterator = std.mem.tokenize(l, " "); var count: usize = 0; while ( |slice_or_err| { count = count + 1; } return Line{ .chars = l.len, .words = count, }; } pub fn main() !void { const allocator = std.debug.global_allocator; var args_it = std.process.args(); _ = try unwrapArg(; const cwd = std.fs.cwd(); while ( |arg_or_err| { const arg = try unwrapArg(arg_or_err); const file = cwd.openFile(arg, .{}) catch |err| { std.debug.warn("Unable to open file: {}\n", .{@errorName(err)}); return err; }; defer file.close(); try wc_file(file); } } fn wc_file(file: std.fs.File) !void { var file_unbuf = file.inStream(); const in = &; var o = Output{ .lines = 0, .words = 0, .chars = 0, }; var line_buf: [1024 * 4]u8 = undefined; while (try in.readUntilDelimiterOrEof(&line_buf, '\n')) |line| { const l = toLine(line); o = combine(o, l); } std.debug.warn("{}\n", .{o}); } fn unwrapArg(arg: anyerror![]u8) ![]u8 { return arg catch |err| { std.debug.warn("Unable to parse command line: {}\n", .{err}); return err; }; }